A non-fungible future

Towards a sustainable music industry built on the blockchain

The music industry is broken, and it’s time for a change.

RAREZ is focussed on making the NFT future something that lives well beyond the hype of 2021.

Big sales are great, but there has to be something in it for everyone.

Big fish, little fish

All artists who use RAREZ as a platform for NFT sales are encouraged to find a price point that allows all of their fans to participate. Let us help you work this out, it doesn’t mean giving up the revenue, it means everyone wins. NFTs can be free or as little as 1c each. Collectors can still make bank on UltraRare pieces.

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If we choose digital merch over physical items, there is a huge environmental saving.

Proof of Work vs Proof of Stake

Not all blockchains are created equal. RAREZ is chain-agnostic but we utilise PoS solutions as much as possible. RAREZ also pledges a carbon-offset agreement to reduce the impact of ethereum-based sales.